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ILF Scholarship Opportunities

The Indiana Library Federation maintains certain funds to support library education and training. Scholarship amounts may vary from year to year, depending upon fund availability and student needs. Monetary awards and scholarships are managed and awarded based on donor intent and include specific criteria and expectations for reporting outcomes to ILF.

Check out past scholarship winners!

Scholarships for Higher Education

Esther Schlundt Memorial Scholarship Fund

Named in honor of an outstanding reference librarian at Purdue University.

This scholarship provides scholarship funding for one or more applicants entering or currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited graduate degree program in library and information science or seeking a Library Technical Assistant Associate Degree (until Ivy Tech phases out) or enrolled in courses in an approved public library certification program.

This scholarship is typically awarded in the amount of up to $1,000 for students pursuing the graduate degree and up to $750 for students seeking the Library Assistant Associate degree/public library certification courses, depending upon hours enrolled.

Sue Marsh Weller Memorial Scholarship Fund

Provides funding for at least one scholarship for applicants entering or currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited program of graduate study specializing in children's librarianship with plans to work with children or youth.

This scholarship is typically awarded in the amount of up to $1,000 depending upon hours enrolled.

William Gresh Memorial Scholarship

Provides funding for at least one scholarship applicant entering or currently enrolled in a program to receive educational certification in the field of Library Media Services.

This scholarship is typically awarded in the amount of up to $1,000 is awarded to use toward an MLS/MLIS, depending upon hours enrolled.


Scholarship for Professional Development

David Dickey Continuing Education Award

Awarded to individuals who are new to the academic library profession and seeking support for continuing their education. An award of up to $250 may be provided each year to attend a professional conference, such as the ILF Annual Conference, or to obtain additional training. Indiana Library Federation membership is not required. Previous recipients of this award may reapply.

Learn more about all the scholarships here.

Scholarship Submission Process

Getting Started

  • Review the scholarship deadline. All scholarships are to be summitted no later than June 30
  • Review the scholarship criteria and guidelines here.
  • Submit criteria electronically to Marissa Beck
  • Complete the scholarship signature sheet here
  • Complete the online application.


  • Scholarship online application opens May 1.
  • Application closes on June 30.
  • A&H committee reviews all completed scholarship applicants June 30 through July 31.
  • A&H committee notifies scholarship recipients by September 1.


 If you have any questions, please email the ILF office