ILF Education & Professional Development

(revised 8/29/24)

ILF will now offer individuals who earn LEU/PGPs through ILF events and programs a downloadable Certificate of Attendance. This certificate will serve as evidence of your attendance and participation. Certificates will not include details specific to the individual, including the number of LEU/PGPs earned. It is the responsibility of the attendee to track and submit the appropriate information to the Indiana State Library. ILF recommends using the mobile app provided at all events to identify the number of units earned and the session information required for submission to the state. Below are the most recent requirements provided by the ISL. 

*Please note these are the requirements set, managed, and monitored by the Indiana State Library and ILF staff is unable to assist in questions related to their requirements and/or processes. Please reach out directly to them for assistance, contact information has been included below* 

To document your attendance:

  1. Fill out completely and sign the Indiana Librarian Conference Form. 
  2. Based on the sessions you attended, count up the LEUs you earned.  LEUs are awarded hour-for-hour for eligible sessions lasting longer than 30 minutes.  LEUs round up to 2 after 90 minutes.  LEUs round up to 3 after 2.5 hours, and etc.
  3. Attach session synopses to your completed Indiana Librarian Conference Form. Gather and save written descriptions of the sessions you attended. The synopses should include the program content, length, and presenter information. A conference program or agenda usually contains all the information you need copy pasting the information is allowed. Print or electronically save a copy of the program/agenda in your files for future reference. NOTE: Most organizations do not keep their conference information online for more than a few months. Please DO NOT rely on a link to a conference website as a record of the session content.
  4. Print or electronically save your registration confirmation as proof of your attendance.
  5. File these documents with your other LEUs. DO NOT send them in to the State Library. You will not receive a certificate from the State Library after national and out-of-state conferences. You will only need to submit your documentation to the State Library if you are notified your file has been selected for random audit.  If you are not notified as such, please do not send in this paperwork.

You do not need a certificate from your library or the conference host for LEU credit. To earn LEU credit you must send in Form, Synopses and registration if you are wanting to count this towards LEU credit for an audit/ permit renewal.

If you have any additional questions related to LEU/PGP submission to the state of Indiana, please contact the Indiana State Library directly using the information listed below: 

 Click Here to Contact ISL Professional Development Office

Academic and K-12 Library Professionals

For academic and/or K-12 library professionals, given the broad variety of requirements across the state, please refer to your administration PGP reporting processes, using ILF's Certificate of Attendance as evidence of participation. All ILF Certificate of Attendance certificates are valid for both LEU and PGP reporting. 

Event & Program Certificates of Attendance

2023 ILF Certificates of Attendance


2023 Management Cohort Series 


2024 ILF Certificates of Attendance

2024 Budget Workshop Certificate
2024 Social Work in Libraries Webinar
2024 Management Cohort Series - NOT AVAILABLE YET 

2024 ILF IPLA Public Library Directors Meetings

2025 ILF Certificates of Attendance

2025 Youth Services Conference - coming soon!

 ILF Events Mobile App Download Instructions 

ILF has invested in a mobile app service that connects attendees directly to any event, in real time. This is the best way to stay up-to-date and informed about past, present, and future events. This tool is designed to provide each user the ease of access when navigating events onsite as well as post-event when collecting and preparing your LEU/PGP state reporting. We strongly encourage everyone to please use this service so that ILF can continue to provide it in the future. 

Downloading the app is simple and only takes a couple of quick steps. This app is available on all Apple and Android smart technology phones. From your app store, search, "MC Member App" and click "download". Once you've downloaded the app, you can search events using a unique code. To make it easy, the code for every event from 2023-present is provided and all events are publicly listed, so you will not be required to log in to view the information. 

Event Codes

2023 Regional Conference SJCPL - 896321
2023 Regional Conference FCPL - 465884
2023 Regional Conference PCPL - 864570
2023 Regional Conference VCPL - 751317
2023 Youth Services Conference - 651025
2023 Annual Conference - 949013
2024 Youth Services Conference - 668729
2024 Regional Conference ACPL - 006230
2024 Regional Conference FCPL - 194820
2024 Regional Conference SJCPL - 418207

Inside the app you can view session, presenter, location, and all other information related to the event. A limited version of this will be available on the website starting with the 2024 Annual Conference to ensure accessible access for everyone. If you are unable to access the mobile app and need session information related to an event, please email the ILF office and expect a response within 5-7 business days. 

 *ILF is not responsible for the misuse or abuse of these certificates for false reporting or forging information as this information is now public*